Dark Eros tantra is a path of radical transformation through a deep exploration of the psyche. It encourages you to face your darkest fears, and confront your unresolved wounds. Through the spirituality of descent, the Black Madonna serves as archetypal energy, which draws you into the deep aspects of your psyche to lift denser emotions such as fear, guilt and shame, and transmute them into loving/life force energy.

The challenge with this path is that most people avoid this level of introspection. They find it too uncomfortable or struggle to regulate difficult emotions. As a result, they often try to bypass this part of their healing, whilst pursuing a path of self-improvement. However, this level of avoidance only creates more problems in the long run, as these unresolved wounds continue to re-surface in even more unhealthy ways.

Kink alchemy overcomes this barrier by leaning into the neural pathways associated with pleasure and reward. By exploring erotic desire, kinks and role playing, sessions can trigger an ecstatic release, which dissolves any unresolved emotional conflicts held in the mind-body matrix. In this way, one can release emotional stress, without the need to cognitively address and play out the narrative associated with the unresolved wound.


Somatic Cartharsis (Gnosis) is the science of sexual transmutation. It is brought about by the arousal of the kundalini, a subtle bioenergy that rests at the base of the spine. When awakened it moves up the nervous and glandular system leading to states of ecstasy and inner bliss. In estoteric traditions the kundalini is regarded as our inner spark of divinity which serves as our enlightenment power. It is personified as The Great Cosmic Mother, the fiery and dynamic force of the Sacred Feminine.


Energy is often trapped in the mind-body matrix as tension, stress, trauma, unconscious wounds and self-limiting thought patterns. This causes us to fall out of alignment with our true nature which results in disharmony in the body. If left unresolved, this can weaken the immune system and disrupt the body’s ability to fend off disease.


Somatic catharsis (gnosis) serves to free blocked energy in the mind-body matrix by stimulating the senses and triggering the counter-stress response of the parasympathetic nervous system. This is synonymous with the raising of the kundalini energy. Benefits may include:

  • Improved sleep

  • Emotional catharsis

  • Increased intuition

  • A surge in creativity


Karmic kink alchemy is the process used to trigger gnosis. It is the practice of using unconventional erotic and sensual desires as a framework for healing and rejuvenation. It reaches the depth of the soul by stimulating the cathartic release of lower vibrational energy, which is often held in the mind-body matrix as energetic imprints of emotional stress and trauma.

This is a multi-dimensional healing modality, which uses Arcturian DNA technology to awaken the ecstatic power of the sacred kundalini, for DNA regeneration and activation. Freeing your soul of karmic baggage accumulated over lifetimes of existence, releases you from burdens that no longer serve your highest good and accelerates your personal path of ascension.

Working with BDSM and kink psychology can be the most powerful way to work through deep-rooted trauma. By re-framing past traumatic experiences in a safe and consensual space, one can reclaim the power that they were once denied whilst transcending to a higher level of consciousness.