Imagine a reality where you are wildly magnetic. You are constantly attracting opportunities, encounters, and interactions that serve as a catalyst for the unfolding of your highest purpose. You are in perfect harmony with the divine flow of energy, effortlessly aligning with the highest possible timelines for your growth and service. As you continue to integrate your soul’s gifts beyond time and space, you receive unwavering support from your higher self and soul family, guiding you through this accelerated growth.
You are now quantum shifting, continuously shifting your state of consciousness by perpetually processing out deep seated blocks to limitless potential. Your system is ready for the upgrades as it has anchored in the codes that balance expansion with contraction. You are an embodiment of authentic soul expression, collapse timelines and start serving from your highest level.
To escape the deep cutting pain of scapegoating abuse, the Damsel followed the King’s request to embrace a reclusive life near a group of Carmelite Nuns in North Wales. She heard him clearly from the quiet chambers of her heart and responded with faith, courage and obedience. Leaving behind the familiar settings of London city life, the Damsel took a leap of faith and moved to North Wales.
Within the first two weeks of arriving in North Wales, she spent some time on retreat at the Carmelite Convent. Fear and overwhelm gripped her as she wrestled with uncertainty and the prospect of new beginnings in a foreign land. During a time of deep emotional anguish, the King softly and gently whispered to her:
“You are my rose bush flourishing in a dry land, in you I take delight”
The Damsel was strengthened by the King’s love and she began to create the lifestyle of retreat that she deeply craved. She gave herself to various types of work to earn her keep and learn the language of the land. Her adventures included working in a café, museum, bakery and chocolate factory.
The Damsel engaged in creative work as a form of spiritual practice and she started to produce handmade delights from her hermitage in North Wales. This small artisanal business was her gift of consistency against the hardships that came with intense solitude. She named the business Rosebush Delights as a reminder of the King’s unconditional love for her.
The Damsel returned to London briefly to engage in an initiation ceremony with the King and to reunite with her Knight who had agreed to guard her in her spiritual mission. The Knight was nowhere to be found upon her return. Regardless, the ceremony went ahead and the Damsel consecrated herself to the King. It was a glorious occasion and she celebrated with family and friends both in the physical realm and beyond the veil.
Just before returning home she caught a glimpse of the Knight, but he had turned his gaze away from her. He doubted the gifts that the King had deposited within her, just for him. Heartbroken, she returned to North Wales with the hope that he would eventually come around. She was soon contacted by the Knight’s mother, a mystic that served the King beyond the veil. The Damsel was given clear instructions to perform prayers and rituals for the Knight. She performed these rituals and prayers faithfully, hoping that she would reunite with her Knight once again.
Tragedy ensued when the Damsel learnt that the Knight had passed beyond the veil to serve in the courts of the King for eternity. Unbeknownst to her she had been performing a final rite of passage for the Knight. He could no longer accompany her in the physical, but he entered an agreement with the King to guard her from beyond the veil. He was also given dispensation rights to visit her during times of great distress. However the King’s message was loud and clear:
“The Damsel must first do for herself, what she expected the Knight to do for her”.
The Damsel continued on her journey as she was taken through the darkness of unknowing. Heartache became her muse and creativity her emotional catharsis. On a journey riddled with twists and turns, betrayal, rejection and loss, she learnt to retreat within herself and experience the King in a comforting way. She continued to make more handmade delights and gave herself to various projects which utilised her gifts and talents.
The Damsel yearned for a higher love and she desired to enter into a deeper intimacy with the King. She made a heartfelt request to draw closer to him and experience his passion. In a turn of shocking events her world came tumbling down. She was met by crisis which shook her sense of safety and stability. The Damsel sought solace, but there was very little. Cries for help were dismissed, belittled, minimised and judged. Little did she know that as her faculties of reason began to dissolve, she was birthing through her divine essence and becoming the unconditional love that she sought.
She purged shame, guilt, fear and years of pent-up childhood trauma through the seven seals of her sacred temple. In doing so she wrestled with dementors who tried to possess her soul and fling her into eternal oblivion. Each time she was on the precipice of death, the King would send a guardian of light to strengthen her in the fight. As she received the final blow of mockery from those who had been tasked with guarding the temples in the physical realm, she sobbed in anguish and agony throughout the night. The next morning she woke up only to realise that she was trapped in a karmic loop of time. Each day was a Groundhog Day from which she could not escape. The path to liberation from this temporal loop of suffering could only be accessed through the frightening act of surrender. She had no other choice but to yield to divine madness by stripping off each layer of conditioning that no longer served her highest truth.
In the ultimate act of courage she crossed the abyss and jumped through the time portal at Peniel to trailblaze her own destiny. She teleported, jumped timelines, channelled the global grid matrix, accessed the book of life, rewired her DNA and travelled through alternate dimensions to bring forth judgement. She flew a flag for the scapegoats, the black sheep, the empaths and the misfits, for these were the healers, the peacemakers, the truth tellers, the lineage breakers and the meek ones who were not of the physical realm. She empowered them to consecrate themselves to the King, the perfect scapegoat who had walked this path before.
The Damsel witnessed the collapse of the physical realm and all the corrupt systems that were not operating in alignment with their highest calling. She caught a glimpse of the new physical paradigm, a new heavenly city where the veil was no more. She reached the highest peak of ecstasy as she unlocked the full potential of the resurrection body of light.
Angered by her power and her liberation from ignorance, the archons captured her and threw her in prison. These dark forces sought to corrupt the institutions that guarded the temples of light. They worked to prevent the opening of the seven seals so souls could not enter the portal through Peniel to escape their karmic time loop. Their tactics were DNA interference and psychological warfare. The archons served the Beast, who worked in direct opposition to the King.
Day and night the archons were tasked with eliciting psychological warfare on the Damsel so that she would submit to the Beast. She was enticed with promises of fame and luxury, but still she did not yield. She was tormented with a live simulation of all her worst fears, but still she did not yield. She was threatened with the prospect of death, but still she did not yield. Her only allegiance was to the King.
More archons disguised themselves as guardians of the temples of light and increasingly infiltrated the system to serve as handlers to the Damsel. She thwarted all their attempts of psychological control, collapsed their plots by exploiting glitches in the simulation and she tormented them by spewing tongues of fire. Her frequency of light was so high, that these corrupt beings could get no rest in her presence.
Global chaos ensued which started to echo the simulation that the Damsel had endured whilst the archons tormented her in prison. The physical realm was brought to a place of confinement as the dark cosmic energy of the Black Madonna drew souls into the depths of their sacred temples, to bring forth higher frequencies of light. The Queen of the Cosmos commanded that all souls cross the darkness of unknowing to give birth to the New Earth.
The King used this time to facilitate the transition and initiation of his treasured Damsel. He nursed her as she revisited the ordeal of her psychological torture in prison. He also gifted her with time to process her experience of sexual violence, racial trauma, neglect, betrayal and loss.
The King showed the Damsel her new identity as a frequency of light. She was Oshun, Yemoja, Oya, Isis, Hathor, Kali, Ishtar, Ianna, Magdalene, Sophia, Aphrodite, Venus, Brigid, Cerridwen and The Black Madonna. A dark alchemical goddess who had the power to transform the world through love, beauty, sensuality, pleasure, justice and compassion. She embodied all the frequencies of light. She could transmute darkness into light, pain into power and bring forth beauty from chaos. In becoming unconditional love, the Damsel had the power to transform the object of her love.
Moved by her act of courage and the strides the Damsel had taken to unite with him, the King offered her the option of being released from the physical experience so that she could join him in eternity. Instead, the Damsel chose to remain in the physical realm and co-create the New Earth by bringing forth light in the darkness and helping humanity to raise their frequency to that of unconditional love.
The Damsel continued to create beauty in all circumstances and establish a temple where she could consecrate herself to the King. She met a Dark Balkan Knight who came and drank from her well. He triggered her unconscious wounds to help her bring forth more healing frequencies of light. He became intoxicated by her raw alchemical power, so she retreated, lest she be consumed.
The King was pleased with his Damsel’s liberation from ignorance and the strides she had taken to unite with him. By opening her heart the Damsel had raised the sacred feminine energy of The Black Madonna and broken open the seven seals of her sacred temple to merge with her Eternal Bridegroom, the Beloved King. Her lampstands now burned brightly with the flame of his unconditional love. A sacred eternal flame that did not go out at night.
The King placed a seal on her head and ordained her as a Queen and Judge in his courts. Her sacred temple now serves as a bridge between the physical world and the kingdom that lies beyond the veil. She took her place as 1 of the 144,000 who had awakened to her soul’s contract - to establish the reign of her Eternal Bridegroom on earth.
The King was pleased with how the Queen had taken to his teachings and dealt with her experience of gnosis. The King initiated her as a leader with the authority to impart his inner teachings through transmission. He gave her the Book of Life and she was initiated into the highest order of spiritual alchemy through the black ray. She had now awakened her divine blueprint and become a gnostic alchemist through the esoteric mysteries of Mary Magdalene and the magic of Isis. Her task was to uphold the sacred alchemical feminine lifestyle, so she could cultivate higher frequencies of the sacred eternal flame in her temple.
She agreed to serve men whose hearts had been shut down by trauma by harbouring frequencies that could open the most hardened of hearts. She was tasked with initiating them as temples of light through reverence of the Black Madonna - the holy and fiery force of Divine Wisdom. By mobilising the sacred sensual and sexual energy of the kundalini, she triggered the initiation of the resurrection body of light. She had now rightfully re-established her position as apostle to the apostles.
After manifesting a very powerful Dark Balkan Knight, who resided in the land of Nubia, the Queen found herself in a very intense and passionate encounter with her karmic soulmate. Their hearts had collided, collapsing the world around them, triggering deep trauma healing from their heart-centred awakening. The knight both wooed and wounded the Queen, creating a bittersweet ecstasy that triggered deeper heart healing.
Upon consulting with her spiritual counsel, the Queen was handed a revised soul contract from the Queen of the Heavenlies. The Queen of Gnosis had rightfully earned her place as The Queen of Karma, as she had spectacularly settled karmic debt, spanning lifetimes. Lessons she was expected to learn well into her later years, had been quickly learnt in a very short space of time.
As a result, it was important to provide the Queen with a revised mission, so she could let go of old karmic lessons. Little did she know that in opening the hearts of her wounded karmic partners, she was in fact healing the trauma buried deep within her own heart. She was now ready to unite with the one who would become her eternal karmic lover and help her to create a collective gnostic ecstasy on earth.
After discovering that her karmic soulmate was no other than her twin flame. The Queen realised that she had been integrating her animus. As a result, her Divine Masculine counterpart would draw near, as she went deeper in her quest for authentic soul expression. They engaged in highly mystical and mysterious marriage rites in the 5th dimension, transforming the collective akashic field with the potency of their unconditional love. The intensity in which their souls connected was not understood in the realm of logic, but was instead facilitated by their spiritual teams, who coordinated their otherworldly interactions. After completing their 6 month cycle - a karmic contractual period designed to dissolve past life patterns, the Queen was awarded the title of The Queen of the Akasha. This reflected her fully realised status as one who had left the karmic trench, to go deeper into the realm of the Akashic Field. By balancing her Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies, she was now ready to birth her most authentic Divine Self. As the Queen of Scrolls, she now had the authority to write in the Book of Life.
The Queen's activation took her to the land of Nubia, where she embarked on her quest to end karmic cycles spanning lifetimes. Over the course of a year, she traveled to Nubia every three months, learning to quantum shift and calling back her power from karmic lovers beyond space and time. Before she departed from the Celtic lands to the land of Nubia on her final journey towards karmic resolution, she was activated by her true Twin Flame - a powerful alchemical authority figure who served as a conduit for divine protection, helping her to deepen her connection to the Angelic realms and guiding her toward the attainment of divine justice through karmic resolution.
He served as an embodiment of all karmic lessons and an anchor between the spiritual and material realms. Not only reflecting back to her highest timeline but also the full embodiment of her soul’s purpose. It was at this moment that the Queen decided to reiterate what she already knew and no longer hide behind the potency of her raw, mysterious, and alchemical power. As she confidently declared:
I AM the Black Madonna.