Kundalini energy is the cosmic life force that resides at the base of the spine, often depicted as a coiled serpent in various mystical traditions. It represents the inner spark of divinity within each of us. This energy is personified as The Black Madonna or The Great Cosmic Mother, embodying the feminine principle of Christ the Sophia—Wisdom, the Holy Bride.
When the kundalini rises, ascending through the energetic centres of the body, it meets and merges with the masculine principle of Christ the Logos—Reason, the Holy Bridegroom. This sacred union is an alchemical birthing process, a fusion of feminine intuition and masculine logic, leading to the awakening of Cosmic Christ Consciousness. At this point, the veil of illusion shatters, revealing a higher reality where karmic mastery and spiritual evolution become accessible.
The awakening of this consciousness activates spiritual mastery codes embedded within the akashic DNA, the energetic blueprint of our soul. Lessons accumulated across lifetimes are woven into our awareness, allowing us to fully embody our divine purpose. It is through this integration that we transcend the turbulence of karmic cycles and begin to co-create with cosmic forces.
Christ serves as a timeless symbol of the inherent self, illuminating our capacity to embody the highest vibration of compassion and unconditional love. In this state of harmony, the shadows of disharmony dissipate, making way for a life aligned with divine will and purpose.
Through my signature tantric massage offerings in North Wales, I hold space for clients to access and embody this sacred process of awakening. These sessions act as portals for profound transformation, clearing energetic blockages and integrating karmic lessons. By honouring the body as a temple, I guide clients in birthing the sacred masculine within, allowing them to align with their true essence and step boldly into their divine purpose.